ETSU Wesley Summer Residency Internships
A Call to Serve
Apply to be a Summer Residency Intern
For the summer of 2024 we are offering free residency for students interested in SERVING as summer interns. Our internship program offers students leadership opportunities and discipleship experiences that will last a lifetime. If students wish to live at Wesley and not serve as an intern rent is $400 a month for a single room or $337.50 a month for a double room. Summer internships/residency will begin May 19th and end August 11th (12 weeks). Selected applicants will be interviewed by our board residency committee. If selected you will be assigned a room for residency. Each intern will complete 100 service hours. These hours will be scheduled with Caleb. Hours worked at orientations or Camp in the Community at First UMC count as 2 service hours worked. Responsibilities of the interns may include but will not be limited to…
Working ETSU summer orientations for new students. The dates for these orientations are May 10th, June 6th, June 7th, June 13th, June 14th, June 27th, June 28th, July 11th, July 12th, July 18th, July 19th, and August 9th. The times for working these orientations is 1PM-5PM.
Working with First United Methodist Church in Johnson City with their Camp in the Community program on July 1st through July 5th. The times for working this program is 8:30AM-4:30PM. Students can sign up for shifts for any of these days.
Office administrative work.
Yard work, weeding, mulching, etc.
Cleaning the building
Visit summer camps, volunteer, recruit students for Wesley.
Church visits
Help with social media content.
While not required we encourage and are seeking interns who will work to build relationships with new students in as many ways as possible. We encourage you to use the main Wesley building and host events, go out on outings, potentially organize a summer Bible study, and be intentional about welcoming new students to the life of our community.
Please submit the following application to be considered for our summer residency internship program.